Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eat, Pray, Love

Eat, Pray, Love

Elizabeth Gilbert.

Liz Gilbert, 30- something and recovering from a devastating divorce decides to travel to 3 places that hold special meaning for her- Italy, India & Indonesia. Each locale has it’s own therapy for Liz’s sole- In Italy, it’s the food (eat) in India she spends time at a Ashram and practicing yoga & meditation & Prayer (pray) and in Indonesia she returns to spend more time with an “old friend” and finds a host of new ones ( Love).

I loved, loved, and loved this book. It is a memoir a travel guide/ travel, self- help with even a hint of philosophy and religious studies. Liz Gilbert does an excellent job narrating and making you feel like you is not only with her, both physically and spiritually but of explaining what she encounters and what she learns. Her voice is fresh and raw I felt like Liz was one of my friends from college. The best part to me is a cross between the insights and things she learns on this journey- not just about the places she visits, but about her and human nature. Before I read this book I never had any inkling to visit India or Indonesia (Bali) - I’m more of a Malaga, Paris kind of international girl), but I have since added both of these locations to my “Places to Visit Before you Die” list. It’s always fascinating (to me at least) to watch people’s growth and that is probably one reason why I did enjoy this book so much.

I highly recommend this book to any and everyone- young and old. This book offers lots of hope for anyone and everyone- no matter where you are in your life’s journey. The book begins with Liz on the floor in her bathroom, crying and praying after realizing her marriage wasn’t exactly going as planned. We follow her through a tumultuous divorce followed soon after by another heart wrenching heart break to the decision to travel to her travels and to her triumphs, both big and small along the way. This is very spiritual book- and it does touch on various religions which I enjoyed. It helps understanding the importance of all religions and just how similar they all are.

This is a definite must read. A perfect summer book for vacation and I’m sure that will pick this book up again several times again and again for inspiration, hope and love (and as a guidebook when I visit these places).

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