2006 Christy Award Nominee Author
I enjoyed this book except for the fact that I didn’t like Jackie. How can I like a book and dislike the main character? Well first the writing was good and the story was excellent. I just found Jackie annoying and I didn’t like her. It’s kind of like the co-worker that does a great job, is a team player ect, basically the perfect co-worker but you just can’t stand them personally .
Synopsis: Jackie is thirty year old self described geek. As the systems administrator at the
I mean how am I supposed to like a girl that doesn’t like football? At that point I almost put the book down for good (just kidding... kind of*). Plus all that damn environmentalism talk got on my last damn nerve. I’m all for saving, conserving recycling but I HATE when people push it down your throat. I think a lot has to do with this whole “Green is in” trend BS the media and Al Gore is feeding us. (My views can be summed up here). Also, Jackie was way to naïve for me. It was obvious that Joe was interested, but I detested the way she acted. Like when she was getting ready for the ball I wanted to shake her and say get over it. Do people really act that childish for no reason? So I didn't really like Jackie at all, she just annoyed me too much.
But here is where I believe good writing and a good story saved me. Both were so good, that I kept plunging back into the book (albeit more slowly than usual). In the end I enjoyed the story and have to give kudos to Ms. Mitchell for a creating a unique character, one you typically don’t find in chic-lit be it Christian or otherwise.
The topic and location were also interesting and different. The Air force Academy/Military- Civilian angle was cool (coming from an Army Brat). Of course there is the idea that most endeared me to the book- the blogging aspect and while it was a little underplayed for my taste and blogging expertise, I still enjoyed it. For instance the blog wasn’t really that interesting to me. Second I think that it is unbelievable to think that Jackie could start a blog and not get caught up in the blogshpehere ( especially checking stats). As a blogger for the last 3 years, the blogshpehere is addicting from reading other people’s blogs to updating your own ( sometimes obsessively) and Jackie did none of that. Part of me thinks Ms. Mitchell made it that way so those who are not as technologically savvy could still enjoy and understand the book.
So, if you are looking for an interesting, unique story from and interesting and unique point of view with a cute ending, than The Cubicle Next Door is for you.
*In my world, football is king, and the Southeastern Conference is the kingdom.
Southern girls know their religions:
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