In between al the BBQ’s, hair appointments, brunches, church and friends, I re-read two of my favorite books this weekend. Something Borrowed & Something Blue by Emily Griffin.
These are two of my favorite books (the one I missed my bus stop for back in 05), although Blue did not grow on me until this weekend. I read these books for the first time two summers ago and loved them then, passed them around my old office and still love both of them today. In fact, I’m not even sure if I could give a good review of these books. I can say that I have re-read them both several times and I started to notice a pattern of when I would pick them up- When I need a pick me up and need to believe in two important things:
1. Things always work out- no matter how messy- no matter how messy things are today, no matter how queasy your stomach feels when you think about that situation- things always work out. No necessarily for your own good- especially if you are doing wrong, but somehow things always work out for the best.
2. What Goes around does come back around
3. True love always wins ( or close enough anyway)
I don’t agree with man/ fiancé steeling. Rachel was still wrong- even though I routed for her and not just because she was “ the underdog” but because she truly loved Dex AND Darcy and after these past two years, I’ve realized that sometimes life puts you in these crazy situations and you have to deal with them and make the best of them.
After this weekend I can only hope that things work out- not even in the Rachel Dex way but in the Darcy/ Nathan way.
I’d like to think that in my life I’ve elevated past the superficiality of wanting Darcy to loose that I had the first few times I read Blue- to the “happiness” I felt for her while reading this weekend. Finally understanding and appreciating her growth by the end of the book. Although that made the book not as juicy as borrowed- I’m happy that I’m able to appreciate it at this point in my life.
So when I start to loose hope or have even lost it (as I have now) I go like to read these books to remind me of those two things. And hope that it traverses over to my life. AND SOON.
And maybe soon- I’ll post and honest review of both of these books.
*I also love her newest book (now in paperback) Baby Proof- for reasons # 1 & 3 above- mostly number 3. In fact it has given me more hope for number 3. That we can make a mistake, but if it’s what’s meant to be- it will be.
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