The weather here was gorgeous this past weekend and with a clean house and with my (entire!) family out of town, I got to concentrate on just reading!
I ended up finishing two books this weekend ( both from my never ending GR TBR list = double score).
Second up is my non-fiction section:
Not even sure what made be add this book to my Goodreads TBR list.
However during the great TBR purge of 2012, I ended up keeping it on the list
and finding it in a local library. I can’t remember what drew me to add this
book to the list in way back on July 31, 2011 as I am neither a Gen X’er nor a
child for divorce, but I gave it go anyway.

When I finished the book, my first thought was that I really
wanted to read/know her husband’s version of the story because hers literally
left me so lost. In the beginning, it sounded like a mutual decision, but as
she gave more detailed toward the end of the book, it seemed to be all on her
husband. HE came off looking like an
ass, but with a much more detailed story
behind it. I guess that’s what ends up happening in a divorce memoir.
Part divorce memoir, part Generation X study I felt this
book didn’t really have a firm idea of what it was and because I belonged to
neither of those groups ( knock on wood), I struggled to find how she, according to the description, was stunned to find her marriage coming to an
end or how she vowed to never let her kids know divorce. I’m sure hindsight is 20/20 but she never
really focused on how she did those too aside from making a promise to herself
and trying to go for some marriage counseling. I did enjoy her social commentary, but I just
wasn’t able to relate to her childhood or her subsequent divorce.