Friday, July 10, 2009

Perfect Fifths

Perfect Fifths
Megan McCafferty
After finishing this book I took a while to formulate a review because Initially I didn't like it. I was disappointed. After thinking about it for a few days my opinion landed somewhere in the middle. I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it either. Jessica's negativity which I enjoyed 16-25 got a little old for me. In addition the haiku's in the book got on my last nerve to the point I had to make myself read them. I felt they were unnecessary. Another unnecessary component was the hold Sunny theme, I just couldn't place the reason for it.

When I look back over the Jessica Darling series, I think Fourth Comings was my favorite and while I enjoyed the overall ending the Jessica Darling, I can't help but feel a little annoyed at the final book.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm Back!

Almost exactly two years later and am returning to my original project.

So much as happened in the past two years,which is to say that I've been busy.

My last post stopped around Fall of 07. During that time I got a promotion, had a severe asthma attack and spent a few days in the hospital and then I got engaged.

I spent the first half of 2008 planning a beautiful wedding to my wonderful husband.

We got married in June ( 6/7/8) and then in August I quit my job, moved 500 miles away to Baton Rouge, La and begin graduate school in Higher Education.

I told you I was busy.

In between being sick, getting engaged, planning a wedding, getting married, moving and returning to school, I haven't been reading too much.That changed this year when some of the girls and I started a book challenge. I participated in a winter book challenge, but was unable to complete due to school and work. My overall challenge for 2009 was to read 100 books. Based on the past, it wasn't a huge task, but still a challenge nonetheless.

As I write this, I am a little over 60 books- over half-way there. Which is good, because come Fall( a.k.a. Football season), I doubt I'll get much reading done.

All that reading had me rethinking by book reviews. Around the same time I started a blog for a class I am taking this summer and voila - rebirth!

I hope you enjoy my new and and improved book reviews!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One Perfect Day

One Perfect Day
Rebeca Mead

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I read this. I love weddings and have been in wedding withdrawal since my own wedding last year. I also frequent the nest/knot boards daily ( that's even how I found goodreads).

That being said, I'm not sure that I got much that I didn't already know about the wedding industry. Nothing was really shocking, eye-opening or interesting. If you are a knottie, than I say skip this. You'll get way more and better info hanging out on the message boards. For the uninitiated, you might enjoy this foray into another world much better.


Bound South

Bound South
Susan Rebeca White

I was so excited to get started reading this book. I saw it in BN and months ago and ordered it off making sure to save it for my husbands and I am beach vacation. I woke up early our first morning there and headed out to t he beach to get started.
I was interested in this book for many reasons, the first of which is that it takes place in my hometown Atlanta. I love books about Atlanta, especially with the homesickness I’ve been feeling lately.
Bound South is the story of three different woman- typical southern belle- Louise, her rebellious daughter Caroline and the family’s maid and her daughter Faye and Missy. The story is told in points of view from Caroline, Louise and Missy and alternates chapter as it takes place over a span of 4 years. The story touches on some, important subjects such as race, socioeconomic level, sexuality, religion and marital issues. It touches on many of these points in some rather subtle ways which do not fail to still get the point across. I loved the books for the richness of experiences that each character brings to the table.
I do have to mention that this book was not what I was expecting, but in the end I was pleasantly surprised and still enjoyed it. The way in which the author handles many of the sensitive issues in the book was well thought-out and executed.
The cast of supporting characters- Louise’s son, husband and mother-in-law, also add a nice element of depth to the story.

The one thing that I was a little disappointed in was that there wasn’t much attention paid to the marital issues between Louise and her Husband, although we saw bits and pieces of where it came from and how it manifested itself. At times, I felt like I was missing something from the story.

Overall, Bound South was a perfect beach read. Not all chic-lit, but the perfect balance of substance, good real life characters, plot and great writing.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Word!

My Word! Plagarism and the College Culture
Susan Blum
This is a very good primer on college students in general and plagiarism. As an college admin who deals with 5-7 cases of Plagiarism at a large university ( our system is much different from Saint U') it seemed basic for me. I hear most of the reasons day in and day out. What I was looking for when I first saw this book advertised was a a more in depth look at those reasons and I got a little. Ms. Blum skimmed the service of those reasons and gave some very realistic recommendations for facing this problem head-on

I am currently putting together a course/workshop for faculty on recognizing and handling academic integrity and will definitely use this book as well as recommended to it faculty as a resource.

Plagiarism is a very big concern today and this book offers a very good introduction and coverage of this issue on today's college campus.